Square number pattern 2 in C

Write a C program to print the given square number pattern using loop. How to print the given square number pattern of n rows using for loop in C programming. Logic to print the given number pattern in C program. Example Input Input N: 5 Output 12345 23454 34543 45432 54321 Required knowledge Basic C … Read more

C program to count frequency of digits in an integer

Write a C program to count frequency of digits in a given number. How to find frequency of digits in a given number using loop in C programming. Logic to find total occurrences of each digits in a given number in C program.



Input any number: 116540


Frequency of 0 = 1 
Frequency of 1 = 2 
Frequency of 2 = 0 
Frequency of 3 = 0 
Frequency of 4 = 1 
Frequency of 5 = 1 
Frequency of 6 = 1 
Frequency of 7 = 0 
Frequency of 8 = 0 
Frequency of 9 = 0

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