Basic input using Scanner class in Java

Write a java program to perform basic input using Scanner class. In this article I will explain how to input all basic data types using Scanner class in Java. We will learn how to use java.util.Scanner class to input data from user.


Enter charater value: c
Enter integer value: 10


You entered charater : c
You entered integer: 10

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10 cool bitwise operator hacks and tricks every programmer must know

Bitwise operators are used to manipulate data at its lowest level (bit level). Data in memory (RAM) is organized as a sequence of bytes. Each byte is a group of eight consecutive bits. We use bitwise operators whenever we need to manipulate bits directly. In this post I will show you some cool bitwise operator hacks and tricks. These hacks will boost your programming skill.

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C program to list all files in a directory recursively

Write a C program to list all files in a directory. How to list all files in a directory recursively. How to use readdir() function to list all files in a directory recursively. Logic to list all files and sub-directories of a directory in C programming. How to use opendir(), readdir() and closedir() library functions.

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