C program to calculate total average and percentage of five subjects

Write a C program to input marks of five subjects of a student and calculate total, average and percentage of all subjects. How to calculate total, average and percentage in C programming. Logic to find total, average and percentage in C program.


Enter marks of five subjects: 95 76 85 90 89


Total = 435
Average = 87
Percentage = 87.00

Required knowledge

Arithmetic operators, Variables and expressions, Data types, Basic input/output

Logic to find total, average and percentage

Step by step descriptive logic to find total, average and percentage.

  1. Input marks of five subjects. Store it in some variables say eng, phy, chem, math and comp.
  2. Calculate sum of all subjects and store in total = eng + phy + chem + math + comp.
  3. Divide sum of all subjects by total number of subject to find average i.e. average = total / 5.
  4. Calculate percentage using percentage = (total / 500) * 100.
  5. Finally, print resultant values total, average and percentage.

Program to find total, average and percentage

 * C program to calculate total, average and percentage of five subjects

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float eng, phy, chem, math, comp; 
    float total, average, percentage;

    /* Input marks of all five subjects */
    printf("Enter marks of five subjects: \n");
    scanf("%f%f%f%f%f", &eng, &phy, &chem, &math, &comp);

    /* Calculate total, average and percentage */
    total = eng + phy + chem + math + comp;
    average = total / 5.0;
    percentage = (total / 500.0) * 100;

    /* Print all results */
    printf("Total marks = %.2f\n", total);
    printf("Average marks = %.2f\n", average);
    printf("Percentage = %.2f", percentage);

    return 0;

Important note: Always use meaningful variable names. Use of variable name such as n1, num1, a is not recommended.


Enter marks of five subjects: 
Total marks = 435.00
Average marks = 87.00
Percentage = 87.00

Happy coding 😉