Write a C program to input any number from user and find total number of leading zeros of the given number. How to find total leading zeros of a given number (in binary representation) using bitwise operator in C programming. Logic to count total leading zeros of a given number using C programming.
Input any number: 22
Output leading zeros: 27 (using 4 byte signed integer)
Required knowledge
Bitwise operators, Data types, Variables and Expressions, Basic input/output, If else, For loop
Logic to count leading zeros in a binary number
Leading zeros in a binary number is equal to zeros preceding the highest order set bit of the number.
Step by step descriptive logic to count leading zeros in a binary number.
- Input number from user. Store it in some variable say, num.
- Find total bits required to store an integer in memory say,
INT_SIZE = sizeof(int) * 8
.Must know – How to find size of a data type using sizeof() operator.
- Initialize a variable and set its MSB to 1, say
msb = 1 << (INT_SIZE - 1);
. - Initialize a variable to store leading zeros count, say
count = 0;
. - Run a loop from 0 to INT_SIZE. The loop structure should look like
for(i=0; i<INT_SIZE; i++)
. - Inside the loop, left shift num, i times and check its MSB is set or not. If its MSB is set i.e.
if((num << i) & msb)
then terminate the loop; otherwise increment count by 1.
Program to count leading zeros in a binary number
Below is another short and effective approach to solve the program.
Program to count leading zeros in a binary number using while loop
is a constant defined in limits.h
header file. It is used to get maximum range of integer.
The statement num <<= 1;
is a shorthand assignment operator equivalent to num = num << 1;
Enter any number: 22 Total number of leading zeros in 22 is 27
Important Note: Different compilers may yield different output. Since, data types size is machine dependent.
Happy coding
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