C program to find angles of triangle if two angles are given

Write a C Program to input two angles from user and find third angle of the triangle. How to find all angles of a triangle if two angles are given by user using C programming. C program to calculate the third angle of a triangle if two angles are given.


Enter first angle: 60
Enter second angle: 80


Third angle = 40

Required knowledge

Arithmetic operators, Data types, Basic input/output

Properties of triangle

Sum of angles of a triangle is 180°.
Sum of angles of triangle

Let us apply basic math to derive formula for third angle. If two angles of a triangle are given, then third angle of triangle is given by –

formula for third angle of a triangle

Logic to find third angle of a triangle

Step by step descriptive logic to find third angle of a triangle –

  1. Input two angles of triangle from user. Store it in some variable say a and b.
  2. Compute third angle of triangle using formula c = 180 - (a + b).
  3. Print value of third angle i.e. print c.

Program to find angles of a triangle

 * C program to find all angles of a triangle if two angles are given

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b, c;

    /* Input two angles of the triangle */
    printf("Enter two angles of triangle: ");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    /* Compute third angle */
    c = 180 - (a + b);

    /* Print value of the third angle */
    printf("Third angle of the triangle = %d", c);

    return 0;


Enter two angles of triangle: 60 30
Third angle of the triangle = 90

Happy coding 😉