Primitive, Non-Primitive and Abstract Data Type

Data type is a system to define basic properties and operations allowed on the data. Properties such as – acceptable values, range, bytes required in memory etc. Data types can be further classified in three primary categories.

  1. Primitive data type
  2. Non-Primitive data type
  3. Abstract data type (ADT)
Primitive Data TypeNon-Primitive Data TypeAbstract Data Type (ADT)
Standard data types that comes built-in with a programming language, from which other data types are composed is known as primitive data type.Data type created from collection of primitive and/or other composite type is referred as composite data type.ADT does not define a concrete representation of data. Rather it specifies the operation performed on the data type.
Defined by the programming language.Defined by the programmer.Specification is given, implementation may be given by programming language.
Also known as built-in or standard data type.Also known as user-defined or composite data type.
Atomic in nature, stored data cannot be further broken down and accessed individually.Non-atomic in nature, stored data can be accessed individually.Does not define concrete data.
Must have a concrete value.Can have null values.Does not define concrete data.
Defines concrete data in memory.User can define both concrete data and methods to operate on data.Specifies methods to operate on the data.
Example: int, float, boolean, charExample: struct, class etc.Example: List, Stack, Queue etc.