C program to find first occurrence of a word in a string

Write a C program to find the first occurrence of word in a string using loop. How to find the first occurrence of any word in a given string in C programming. Logic to search a word in a given string in C programming.



Input string: I love programming!
Input word to search: love


'love' is found at index 2.

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C program to find the first occurrence of a character in a string

Write a C program to input any string from user and find the first occurrence of a given character in the string. How to find the first occurrence of a given character in a string in C programming. Logic to find first occurrence of a character in a string in C programming.



Input string: I love Codeforwin.
Input character to search: o


'o' is found at index 3

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C program to compare two strings

Write a C program to compare two strings using loop character by character. How to compare two strings without using inbuilt library function strcmp() in C programming. Comparing two strings lexicographically without using string library functions. How to compare two strings using strcmp() library function.



Input string1: Learn at Codeforwin.
Input string2: Learn at Codeforwin.


Both strings are lexographically equal.

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C program to concatenate two strings

Write a C program to concatenate two strings in single string. How to concatenate two strings to one without using strcat() library function. Adding two strings into one without using inbuilt library function. Logic to concatenate two strings in C programming. C program to concatenate two strings using strcat() library function.



Input string1: I love
Input string2: Codeforwin


Concatenated string: I love Codeforwin

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C program to copy one string to another string

Write a C program to copy one string to another string using loop. C program to copy one string to another without using inbuilt library function strcpy(). How to copy one string to another without using inbuilt string library function in C programming. Effective logic to copy strings in C programming. How to copy one string to another string using strcpy() function in C program.



Input string: I love Codeforwin!


Original string: I love Codeforwin!
Copied string: I love Codeforwin!

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String programming exercises and solutions in C

Strings are basically array of characters that represent some textual data in a program. Here are basic string programs with detailed explanation that will help to enhance your string programming skills. These exercises can be practiced by anyone a beginner or an intermediate programmers.

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C program to find second largest number in array

Write a C program to find largest and second largest element in an array. How to find second largest element in array in C programming language. Logic to find second largest element in array in C program.



Input array elements: -7 2 3 8 6 6 75 38 3 2


Second largest = 38

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Queue implementation using linked list, enqueue and dequeue in C

Write a C program to implement queue data structure using linked list. In this post I will explain queue implementation using linked list in C language.

In previous post, I explained about queue implementation using array. Here, I will explain how to implement a basic queue using linked list in C programming. Along with I will explain how to perform enqueue and dequeue operations on Queue in C language.

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Queue implementation using array, enqueue and dequeue in C

Write a C program to implement queue, enqueue and dequeue operations using array. In this post I will explain queue implementation using array in C programming. We will learn how to implement queue data structure using array in C language. And later we will learn to implement basic queue operations enqueue and dequeue.

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