Write a C program to implement stack data structure using linked list with push and pop operation. In this post I will explain stack implementation using linked list in C language.
Stack implementation using array, push, pop and display in C
Write a C program to implement stack data structure with push and pop operation. In this post I will explain stack implementation using array in C language.
C program to reverse a Circular Linked List
Write a C program to create and reverse a circular linked list. Logic to reverse a circular linked list in C programming. How to reverse a circular linked list in C program.
C program to search an element in Circular Linked List
Write a C program to create a Circular Linked List of n nodes and search an element in Circular Linked List. How to search an element by key in Circular Linked List.
In my previous posts, I have explained how to perform search on singly linked list. In this example I will explain you how to perform search operation on Circular Linked List.
C program to count nodes in Circular Linked List
Write a C program to count nodes in Circular Linked List. In this example I will explain how to count nodes in Circular Linked List. C program to create a Circular Linked List and count total elements in Circular Linked List.
C program to delete element from circular linked list
Write a C program to delete element from circular linked list by key. In this article I will explain how to delete by key element from circular linked list. I will explain logic and program to delete element from circular linked list by key.
C program to insert a node in Circular Linked List
Write a program to create a circular linked list and insert a new node at the beginning or at any position in the given list. How to insert a new node at the beginning of a circular linked list in C. How to insert a new node at any position in a circular linked list in C. Algorithm to insert new node in Circular linked list in C program.

C program to create and traverse Circular linked list
Write a C program to create a circular linked list of n nodes and traverse the list. How to create a circular linked list of n nodes and display all elements of the list in C. Algorithm to create and traverse a Circular linked list.

Data Structure : Circular Linked List
A circular linked list is basically a linear linked list that may be singly or doubly. The only difference is that there is no any NULL value terminating the list. In fact in the list every node points to the next node and last node points to the first node, thus forming a circle. Since … Read more
C program to reverse a doubly linked list
Write a C program to create a doubly linked list and reverse the linked list. How to reverse the doubly linked list in C programming. Algorithm to reverse a doubly linked list.