C program to print strong numbers between 1 to n

Write a C program to print Strong numbers between 1 to n. C program to print all strong numbers between a given range. Logic to print strong numbers in a given range in C program.



Input upper limit: 1000


Strong numbers between 1-1000: 
1, 2, 145

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C program to print all prime numbers between 1 to n

Write a C program to print all Prime numbers between 1 to n using loop. How to print all prime numbers between given interval using loop in C program. Logic to print prime numbers in a given range in C program.



Input lower limit: 1
Input upper limit: 20


Prime numbers between 1-20: 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19

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C program to find perfect numbers between 1 to n

Write a C program to find all Perfect numbers between 1 to n. C program to find all perfect numbers between given range. How to generate all perfect numbers between given interval using loop in C programming. Logic to find all perfect numbers in a given range in C programming.



Input upper limit: 100


Perfect numbers between 1 to 100: 6, 28

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C program to find Armstrong numbers between 1 to n

Write a C program to print all Armstrong numbers between 1 to n. How to print Armstrong numbers between given interval using loop in C program. Logic to print Armstrong numbers in given range in C programming.



Enter lower limit: 1
Enter upper limit: 1000


Armstrong number between 1 to 1000 are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 370, 371, 407

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C program to find sum of first and last digit of any number

Write a C program to input a number and find sum of first and last digit of the number using for loop. How to find sum of first and last digit of a number in C programming using loop. Logic to find sum of first and last digit of a number without using loop in C program.



Input number: 12345


Sum of first and last digit: 6

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C program to print ASCII values of all characters

Write a C program to print ASCII values of all characters using for loop. How to display ASCII character codes with their values in C programming using loop. C program to print ASCII character with their character code.




ASCII value of character   = 0
ASCII value of character ☺ = 1
ASCII value of character ■ = 254
ASCII value of character   = 255

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C program to print number in words

Write a C program to input a number from user and print it into words using for loop. How to display number in words using loop in C programming. Logic to print number in words in C programming.



Input number: 1234


One Two Three Four

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