Function pointer in C

In this ongoing C programming tutorial series, we learnt many concepts related to function and pointers. Let us give a quick recall.

A function is a collection of statements grouped together to perform a task. Function encapsulates behaviour and allows us to write modular and reusable code. Instead of writing same code to perform an action ‘A’ repeatedly, we call a function that encapsulates action ‘A’.

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void pointer or generic pointer in C – use and arithmetic

Pointer is a variable pointing at a memory location of specific type. Type defines many important properties related to the pointer. Such as valid memory addresses it can point, pointer arithmetic, etc.

As per C programming semantics, you must specify pointer type during its declaration. Also, it is illegal to point pointer of one type to object of another type. For example, int pointer cannot point to a float variable.

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Constant pointer and pointer to constant in C

Pointers are the most powerful as well as complex component of C programming. For newbies, it’s like learning rocket science in C. However, I have tried my best to simplify things.

In this ongoing series of C programming tutorial, I have explained many concepts related to pointers. Here in this section we will focus on some confusing pointer terminologies. We will learn and compare constant pointer with pointer to constant and constant pointer to constant.

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Pointers and Array in C – relationship and use

In C programming, pointers and array shares a very close relationship. Array is a data structure that hold finite sequential collection of similar type data. We use array to store a collection of similar type data together. To access and array element we use index. These index starts from 0 and goes up to N-1 (where N is size of the array).

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Pointer to Pointer (Double Pointer) in C

In previous two posts, we learned basics of pointers. We learned to create pointers and how to perform arithmetic operations on them.

We learned to create pointers to int and char. In real, you can have pointer to any type in C. You can have a pointer to int, char, float, double, structure, array or even pointer. In fact, you can declare pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer. That looks complex. For now, let us focus on pointer to pointer.

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Pointer arithmetic in C programming

Pointer is a variable that points to a memory location. Memory addresses are numeric value that ranges from zero to maximum memory size in bytes. These addresses can be manipulated like simple variables. You can increment, decrement, calculate or compare these addresses manually.

C language provides a set of operators to perform arithmetic and comparison of memory addresses. Pointer arithmetic and comparison in C is supported by following operators –

  • Increment and decrement ++ and --
  • Addition and Subtraction + and -
  • Comparison <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=

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Pointers in C – Declare, initialize and use

Pointers are the heart of C programming. It is the most distinct feature of C, which provides power and flexibility to C. Pointers separates C from other programming languages.

C programmers make extensive use of pointers, because of their numerous benefits. Below are some advantages of pointers.

  • Pointers are more efficient in handling arrays and structures.
  • Pointers are used to return multiple values from a function.
  • We use pointers to get reference of a variable or function.
  • Pointer allows dynamic memory allocation (creation of variables at runtime) in C. Which undoubtedly is the biggest advantage of pointers.
  • Pointers increases execution speed of program.

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Multi-dimensional array in C – Declare, initialize and access

Multi-dimensional array is an array of array or more precisely collection of array. Unlike one-dimensional array, multi-dimensional array stores collection of array.

Let us revise the concept of dimension.

  • One-dimensional array : Collection of data/values.
  • Two-dimensional array : Collection of one-dimensional array.
  • Three-dimensional array : Collection of two-dimensional array.
  • N-dimensional array : Collection of N-1 dimensional array.

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Arrays in C – Declare, initialize and access

Array is a data structure that hold finite sequential collection of homogeneous data.

To make it simple let’s break the words.

  • Array is a collection – Array is a container that can hold a collection of data.
  • Array is finite – The collection of data in array is always finite, which is determined prior to its use.
  • Array is sequential – Array stores collection of data sequentially in memory.
  • Array contains homogeneous data – The collection of data in array must share a same data type.

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