Write a C program to check even or odd using macro. How to check whether a given number is even or odd using macro in C program. Logic to check even or odd numbers using macro.
In previous post we learned to add basic logic to our macro. We learned to find square and cube of an number using macro. Here in this post we will move a step further. We will learn to add conditions to a macro.
In this post you will come to learn how to add basic conditions to a macro. We will write a macro to check if a given number is even number or not. In short we will transform our even odd function to macro.
Required knowledge
Basic C programming, Macros, Bitwise operator
During the course of C programming tutorials I have explained several ways to check even or odd number. In case you missed any one of them, below are some quick links.
How to find even or odd using macro?
During the course of macro exercises, we learned how to define macro. So, let us get started and define a macro which accept a argument to check for even or odd. Here I am using bitwise operator to check even or odd number.
Learn 10 cool bitwise operator hacks and tricks.
The above macro accepts an argument. It returns 1 if x
is odd otherwise returns 0. You can use the above macro to check both even and odd.
Program to check even or odd using macro
Enter any number to check even or odd: 22 22 is EVEN
Happy coding