C program to convert days to years weeks and days

Write a C program to input number of days from user and convert it to years, weeks and days. How to convert days to years, weeks in C programming. Logic to convert days to years, weeks and days in C program.


Enter days: 373


373 days = 1 year/s, 1 week/s and 1 day/s

Required knowledge

Arithmetic operators, Data types, Basic input/output

Days conversion formula

1 year = 365 days (Ignoring leap year)
1 week = 7 days

Using this we can define our new formula to compute years and weeks.
year = days / 365
week = (days - (year * 365)) / 7

Logic to convert days to years weeks and days

Step by step descriptive logic to convert days to years, weeks and remaining days –

  1. Input days from user. Store it in some variable say days.
  2. Compute total years using the above conversion table. Which is years = days / 365.
  3. Compute total weeks using the above conversion table. Which is weeks = (days - (year * 365)) / 7.
  4. Compute remaining days using days = days - ((years * 365) + (weeks * 7)).
  5. Finally print all resultant values years, weeks and days.

Program to convert days to years, weeks and days

 * C program to convert days in to years, weeks and days

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int days, years, weeks;

    /* Input total number of days from user */
    printf("Enter days: ");
    scanf("%d", &days);

    /* Conversion */
    years = (days / 365);   // Ignoring leap year
    weeks = (days % 365) / 7;
    days  = days - ((years * 365) + (weeks * 7));

    /* Print all resultant values */
    printf("YEARS: %d\n", years);
    printf("WEEKS: %d\n", weeks);
    printf("DAYS: %d", days);

    return 0;


Enter days: 373

Happy coding 😉