C program to check whether triangle is equilateral, scalene or isosceles

Write a C program to input sides of a triangle and check whether a triangle is equilateral, scalene or isosceles triangle using if else. How to check whether a triangle is equilateral, scalene or isosceles triangle in C programming. Logic to classify triangles as equilateral, scalene or isosceles triangle if sides are given in C program.


Input first side: 30
Input second side: 30
Input third side: 30


Triangle is equilateral triangle

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C program to check whether triangle is valid or not if sides are given

Write a C program to input side of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not using if else. How to check whether a triangle can be formed or not if sides of triangle is given using if else in C programming. Logic to check triangle validity if sides are given in C program.


Input first side: 7
Input second side: 10
Input third side: 5


Triangle is valid

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C program to check whether triangle is valid or not if angles are given

Write a C program to check whether a triangle is valid or not if angles are given using if else. How to check whether a triangle can be formed or not, if its angles are given using if else in C programming. Logic to check triangle validity if angles are given in C program.


Input first angle: 60
Input second angle: 30
Input third angle: 90


The triangle is valid

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C program to find number of days in month

Write a C program to enter month number between(1-12) and print number of days in month using if else. How to print number of days in a given month using if else in C programming. Logic to find number of days in a month in C program.


Enter month number: 1


It contains 31 days.

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C program to enter week number and print day of week

Write a C program to input week number(1-7) and print the corresponding day of week name using if else. How to print day of week using if else in C programming. Logic to convert week number to day of week in C programming.


Input week number: 1



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C program to check whether a character is alphabet, digit or special character

Write a C program to input a character from user and check whether given character is alphabet, digit or special character using if else. How to check if a character is alphabet, digits or any other special character using if else in C programming. Logic to check alphabet, digit or special character in C programming.


Input any character: 3


3 is digit

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C program to check vowel or consonant

Write a C program to check whether an alphabet is vowel or consonant using if else. How to check vowels and consonants using if else in C programming. C Program to input a character from user and check whether it is vowel or consonant. Logic to check vowel or consonant in C programming.


Input character: a


'a' is vowel

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What is ASCII character code?

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was developed by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). It is a set of decimal coded value for all basic printable and non-printable characters. For example – A is represented as 65 in ASCII standard. Similarly, there exists an integer value to represent every printable and … Read more

C program to check whether a character is alphabet or not

Write a C program to input a character from user and check whether the given character is alphabet or not using if else. How to check whether a character is alphabet or not in C programming. Logic to check if a character is alphabet or not in C program.


Input character: a


'a' is alphabet

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