Java program to add two numbers and print result

Write a Java program to input two numbers add two numbers. In this example we will learn to use arithmetic operator to find sum of two numbers. We will learn to input two number from user and find sum of two numbers in Java.


First number: 10
Second number: 5


Sum of 10 and 5 is : 15

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Basic input using Scanner class in Java

Write a java program to perform basic input using Scanner class. In this article I will explain how to input all basic data types using Scanner class in Java. We will learn how to use java.util.Scanner class to input data from user.


Enter charater value: c
Enter integer value: 10


You entered charater : c
You entered integer: 10

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C program to search an element in Circular Linked List

Write a C program to create a Circular Linked List of n nodes and search an element in Circular Linked List. How to search an element by key in Circular Linked List.

In my previous posts, I have explained how to perform search on singly linked list. In this example I will explain you how to perform search operation on Circular Linked List.

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