return statement in C

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A function is a collection of statements grouped together to do some specific task. It may return a value. However, in no case a function will return more than one value. What does it mean by returning a value and where it is returned? To understand this let us consider an example.

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Function arguments in C – Call by value and Call by reference

Function arguments are the inputs passed to a function. A function must declare variables to accept passed arguments. A variable that accepts function argument is known as function parameter.

In programming function argument is commonly referred as actual parameter and function parameter is referred as formal parameter. I will be using these words interchangeably throughout this series of C programming tutorial.

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Functions in C programming

A function is a collection of statements grouped together to do some specific task. In series of learning C programming, we already used many functions unknowingly. Functions such as – printf(), scanf(), sqrt(), pow() or the most important the main() function. Every C program has at least one function i.e. the main() function.

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Infinite loops in C – Use and Debugging

Infinite loop is a looping construct that iterates forever. In programming life either intentionally or unintentionally, you come across an infinite loop. Generally a program in an infinite loop either produces continuous output or does nothing. Infinite loops are also known as indefinite or endless loop.

As a novice programmer, you must know how to debug an infinite loop. As an intermediate programmer you must know how and when to use infinite loop. Let us first learn when to use infinite loop and how to define.

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goto statement in C

goto is a jump statement used to transfer program control unconditionally from one part of a function to another. I have used the word unconditionally because there is no restriction on control transfer. You can transfer program control from one position to any position within a function. Many programmers uses goto to gain full control on their program.

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Do…while loop in C programming

C programming supports three types of looping statements for loop, while loop and do...while loop. Among three do...while loop is most distinct loop compared to others.

do...while is an exit controlled looping statement. We use do...while loop when there is a need to check condition after execution of loop body. do...while loop in any case executes minimum once.

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